Visit New Life this Weekend!

Sundays At 8:30am & 10:30am

New Life Lutheran Church
702 W Lynn Blvd
Sterling, IL 61081

First time at New Life?

Don't want to go alone?  Or maybe you've been a few times but you'd like to meet Pastor Drew and Pastor Erik, take a tour of the building, and meet some new people?

Plan Your Visit now and we will:

  • meet you at the front door
  • introduce you to some great people
  • help you get your kids checked in
  • give you a tour of the church
  • show you where to sit in service
  • make sure you meet our pastors
Plan Your Visit now and we will treat you like family from the moment you step foot on campus...

Location & Times

More Details

Location & Times

New Life Lutheran Church
702 W Lynn Blvd
Sterling, IL 61081

Sundays @ 8:30am & 10:30am

0-2 Nursery

Our littlest ones get checked in to our safe and secure nursery before service starts. We also have a quiet room in the back of our main auditorium for nursing mothers to use.


Our preschool and school-aged kids stay in the main auditorium with their family during the opening music, and then are dismissed to their teacher for an age appropriate Bible lesson and engaging activities.

Kids Information

Our biggest priorities are: Jesus, safety, and fun.

  • All of our leaders and helpers are background-checked.
  • We make sure to equip parents for ongoing conversations with their kids about what they are learning in the Bible
  • We never ignore a parent’s issues or concerns. We look into them with full vigilance.

There are several ways you can serve in New Life Kids.

  • 0-2 Nursery Helper
  • PreK-5th Teacher or Helper
  • Check-In Desk

When you sign up to volunteer, we will provide training before you serve on your own.

I’m Interested in Serving

Our curriculum, Grow, is a colorful, Bible-based series for preschool and elementary students of all ages.

Every week, our teachers provide:

  • Lessons
  • videos to show the kids
  • art projects
  • in-class activities

We also encourage you to download the Bible App for Kids. It’s imperative for us as parents to expose our children to the Bible really early and very often.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of us are very casual with what we wear. Unless it’s Christmas or Easter, you’ll likely never see anyone in a tie. Even our Pastors wear a simple collared shirt on most Sundays.

Our kids ministry values 3 things:




Every worker is background-checked and kids are never alone.

We have a nursery for the little ones and a Kids’ Church service for children up to 5th grade.

For our bigger kids (ages 3-12), they worship with us for the opening songs and then are dismissed to Kids’ Church for the rest of the service.

We celebrate communion each and every week. We love to make the cross and resurrection central to our service. Communion is given to us by Jesus and is open to everyone who wants to respond to his call and receive him as Savior.

We never ask newcomers to give to our church. In fact, we don’t even pass a bucket. We know it’s a big stumbling block for many people and we do our best to make it about Christ and Christ alone.

However, we believe it is a joy to love and serve the church in every way possible, including giving our resources for the Kingdom. We keep a tight budget that maximizes the most opportunities for us to share the good news of Jesus with as many people as possible.


We don't judge

We don't care if you have tattoos

We don't care how you dress

We don't care if you have a past

We just want to meet you :)

Test Drive a Message

Need Directions?

Don't worry, we've got you covered.

When you plan your visit we'll send you all the details you need to know!

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
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