
The Struggle with Lust, Pornography, and Sexual Addiction

Searching for porn and found a church website. Weird, huh? It’s okay. We set this page up for you, and we don’t think less of you. We know porn is a very common problem and we want to help. Here’s what you need to know.

  • God loves you even when you look at porn.
  • Porn will destroy your life  if you let it.
  • God always, always provides a way out.

There are stats-a-plenty to support this basic notion, but to keep it short and sweet, most men struggle with pornography today, along with a growing number of women. Kids are at a higher risk than ever of being exposed to it at an early age as well.

Frankly, the church, on the whole, has done a rather poor job of helping. We typically treat sex as taboo and porn as an off-limits subject. We help people remain trapped in addictions by feeding into the shame and remaining silent about the problem. But there is help.

Here’s the truth: if you struggle with pornography, we want you at New Life Lutheran Church! We may or may not ever know about your struggle, but we’re determined to be a safe place for broken people to find both truth and grace and be loved no matter what. So come on and join us this Sunday!! (Even if you just looked at porn.)

Get Help

Text a pastor to find help and get prayer, send a message to (815) 706-4700 or click below

Northern Illinois Porn and Sexual Addiction Resources


If you live in northern Illinois and want to start a conversation with a Pastor, send a text  or an email to a New Life Pastor , who will respect your confidentiality.*

Online Resources for Porn and Sexual Addiction

One of our favorite movements is Fight the New Drug , which speaks honestly about how common pornography addiction is, and just how harmful it can be. Fight the New Drug speaks about porn from a non-religious and non-political position. Their intent isn’t to judge, but rather to help.

A very helpful, non-Christian website that explains the scientific side of pornography and masturbation is Your Brain on Porn

One of the online ministries we recommend is XXXChurch.com . To find out how they can best help you, click the link below that best matches your current struggle…

  • I caught my kid masturbating , what now?
  • I caught my husband  on porn sites is it my fault? What is on this site for me?
  • I want to begin an online workshop to free me from my addition.
  • I want to find out if I’m a sex addict 
  • I’m in the sex industry and want guidance and support.
  • I’m a teenager  and want to stop looking at porn.
  • I’m a woman struggling with porn.
  • I’m dealing with a porn problem but not a lot of people understand;  I need community support .
  • I’ve heard you have software  that will block sites and email my accountability partner.
  • I would really like an accountability group but don’t know where to go.
  • I’m a man and I really need to just confess this.
  • I’m a woman and I really need to just confess this.
  • I am a pastor and would love to get help.

I need Prayer

Text a pastor to find help and get prayer: (815) 706-4700

*While we strive in every way possible to keep all private conversations in the strictest of confidence, you must know that we are bound by both law and conscience to report any illegal or abusive activity to the proper authorities.
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