Sauk Valley Christmas at New Life

Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? We know Christmas can sometimes feel too busy to be joyful. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Join us in Sterling this Christmas!

🎄 Here’s the deal… 

It’s easy to get caught up in all the hustle and busyness of the Holiday Season… 🤯 

Christmas lights, shopping, decorations, parties, and even family drama… 😳 

So this year we want to invite you take time out to slow down and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas… 

Join us on December 24th @ 4:30pm or 6:00pm for a special Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. 

You’ll enjoy a modern twist on a traditional Candlelight Service, along with live Christmas Music, FREE Hot Chocolate, and a whole lot more… 

✅ Free Pictures at our Photo Booths
✅ Live Christmas Music
✅ Free Hot Chocolate
✅ FREE Activity Bag for Every Kid
✅ An Uplifting Christmas Message
✅ and more! 

🎉 🎉 Come celebrate with us December 24th @ 4:30pm or 6:00pm and Plan Your Visit now!

This event is 100% FREE and open to the public!

All we ask is that you Plan Your Visit below so that we can save your spot! So Plan Your Visit now and we’ll see you on December 24th at 4:30pm or 6:00pm...

2 Chances to Attend Christmas at New Life

You're invited to join us for one (or both) of our Christmas services this year on December 24th. All services will feature inspiring music, an encouraging message from Scripture, Communion, and Candlelight. Come celebrate Jesus with us!




New Life Lutheran Church
702 W Lynn Blvd
Sterling, IL 61081

What To Expect

Inspiring Music

You’ll hear a mix of classic carols and contemporary Christmas music. It’s okay if you don’t know all the songs. It took us a while to learn them too. We’ll be singing a mix of traditional and new Christmas songs that will help your family enter into the spirit of the season.

Practical Message

In each service, you’ll hear a practical message from the Bible that you can apply to your life. Pastor Drew will be preaching on the hope that Jesus gives us, even when the world around us seems dark.

Kids and Families

We love kids at New Life! We think one of the best ways to celebrate Christmas is as a whole family. That’s why we keep families together in the service. We will have craft bags and activities to keep the little ones occupied during the service, and our nursery and quiet room are available for families who need more room to spread out.

Common Questions

Candlelight Worship

We’ll worship with Carols and Communion at both services and end each service with Candlelight. This will be one of the highlights of your Christmas season.

We don't judge.

We don't care if you have tattoos

We don't care how you dress

We don't care if you have a past

We just want to meet you :)

We hope you can celebrate Jesus with us all season long