Too Fast to See

June 6, 2023 1:16 PM
I don't know about you, but for me it seems that the more I drive the less I see. As I go along the road I start out noticing the cars around me, the bridges and farms that border the road.  But after a few miles I really stop looking around and become focused only on the traffic around me and what is happening inside the car (conversations, arguments, music, and whatnot). I also notice a distinct difference between this and when I go for a hike. When I go for a hike I start out with the broad view of the park and where the trail I take will lead me to. As a I walk along, however, I become more and more aware of all the details around me. I notice how the branches sway against each other, the squirrels and birds jumping between them, the shape of leaves, the color of berries and sometimes even the footprints of animals! I think the overall lesson is the faster I go, the less I see. When we are willing to take our time with something we are able to see and absorb exponentially more even if it takes longer to get to the end.
This week we begin a long journey through the Gospel of Mark. Over the Summer months we will walk through the verses and chapters and see all the little moments that make up the big picture. It is a fitting irony that during our busiest months we choose to take a slow walk through the Gospel. So as you join us on Sundays I will be praying that you are willing to step out of your race car, highway life, put on your hiking boots, grab your walking stick and answer Jesus' call: "Come, follow me."
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