Day 19: Rest in Jesus

October 6, 2023 12:54 AM


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. MATTHEW 11:28-30


“Lord Jesus, I am so tired and worn out (tell God the areas where you’re tired and weary). I feel exhausted mentally and physically. Life feels hard, and I feel like I can’t keep up my current pace. You invite me to come to You when I am weary, and I fall at Your feet desperate for rest, peace, and perspective. Show me where I am trying to do things on my own. Show me where I need to rest instead of strive. Teach me Your ways. Show me how to walk in gentleness, humility, and rest. I know Your ways are higher than my ways, and I pray that You will transform my heart and mind to be more like You.”




When you decide to set aside time to pray, do these four steps:

1) Pause. Turn off distractions, notifications, and find a quiet spot to focus for the next few minutes.

2) Listen. Read the Scripture, use the provided prayer, or make up your own, but use this time to hear from God. What is standing out to you? What is God saying to you?

3) Obey. Based on your prayer time, what is God inviting you to do? How can you obey? Come up with something specific (small and simple is great)

4) Share. Who does God want you to share this with? Share with them what stood out to you from today, or share with them whatever God put on your heart.
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
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